Welcome! This month CNF welcomed three new members to the board:
- Madeline Chadehumbe, MD
- Peter Kang, MD
- Monique Terrell

Dr. Madeline Chadehumbe
Madeline Chadehumbe, MD
Dr. Chadehumbe is a board-certified neurologist with special qualifications in Child Neurology, with extensive clinical and academic experience in the field. Most of her career was spent in academic practice at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) where she was an Associate Professor, Headache Fellowship Director, and Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Division of Neurology at CHOP/University of Pennsylvania until 2022 and, was the recipient of the 2021 PENN Pearl Award for medical student teaching. She is set apart by her championing of children and adults with neurodevelopmental differences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for Eden Autism services- a non-profit organization that has a care model developed to service the life span of individuals and families with autism. Through that work, she recognized the paucity of care as these children age out of child neurology practices.
She recently joined Neurabilities where she serves as the Division Head for Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics. Her transition to Neurabilities was prompted by her passion to provide comprehensive clinical care in neurobehavioral and general child neurology to the adolescent population and beyond. In her role, she is making strides in bridging the care gap for aging individuals with neurodevelopmental differences by allowing the care to extend beyond the age of 21 with many of her patients now extending to the early 30s where they can be more safely transitioned in a stable manner to the primary care physician. Through the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), she is the course director for 2022 and 2023 for the course – “Child Neurology for the Adult Neurologist” where continued advocacy and education for the adult colleagues is emphasized. Her desire to see that adult neurologists feel prepared for the aging child with disabilities is seen to extend, in her work and volunteer life, to expand the child neurology community. She has also been a strong advocate for diversity, inclusion and anti-racist curriculum. She was the Director for JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) at CHOP and currently the course director through the AAN for –“The Common goals of Wellness and DEI Initiatives”-(2022 and 2023). Furthermore, she currently serves on the AAN Diversity officer and the American Headache Society (AHS) Diversity Initiatives workgroups. Likewise, she has a strong desire to see these initiatives enhanced within the CNF.

Dr. Peter Kang
Peter Kang, MDÂ
Dr. Kang is a pediatric neuromuscular neurologist and physician-scientist who leads a research laboratory that studies genomic dilemmas, disease mechanisms, and potential new therapies in muscular dystrophy, and has published extensively in these areas. His laboratory recently led the discovery of a new muscular dystrophy gene, JAG2, and is pioneering the application of nanopore long-read genome sequencing to muscular dystrophy diagnostic dilemmas. He is the Director of the Paul & Sheila Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Center, and Professor and Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Neurology at the University of Minnesota. He is an associate editor at Muscle & Nerve and is on the editorial board of Neurology. He has been the PI on grants from the NIH, CDC, Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), National Initiative for Cockayne Syndrome, and Xtraordinary Joy Foundation. He was previously Chair of the Section on Neurology of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Secretary-Treasurer of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He will take office as President-Elect of the Child Neurology Society in October 2022.

Monique Terrell
Monique Terrell
Monique is the Executive Director/CEO of the Child Neurology Society. Prior to that, she served as the first senior-most digital executive at the College of American Pathologists, the leading organization in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide. At the CAP, she has led teams from 7 to 16 people across the digital, creative design, and Annual Meeting and Events teams.
She has over 20 years of experience as a digital strategy leader who works with organizations to maximize opportunities that effectively leverage technology. Through the comprehensive use of qualitative and predictive analytics, she drives brand experience, improves digital operations, and broadens revenue streams while being a catalyst for company-wide digital transformation. An effective leader and mentor who can train and motivate staff, increase productivity and retain talent. As a digitally-centric executive, she specializes in the planning and implementation of digital solutions.
Join us in welcoming our new members, and read more about our board here.Â